As a home builder with many acreage designs, we have seen the ups and downs of acreage owner life from the sidelines and even experienced some as owners ourselves. With this plethora of experience we have taken the time to really knuckle down into what we believe to be a tip top information guide for new acreage buyers living around Brisbane, Ipswich, Logan & Sunshine Coast.
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Three must add items to your new home build that keep future costs down
One of the worst things that can happen when you have moved in and settled down in your new home is that it starts to feel like an obligation rather than a retreat. The building starts to move ever so slightly causing warping, sticky windows and jammed doors, large electrical bills keep coming in due to ineffective insulation, wear and tear means continual upkeep and constant work around the house – the continual domestic nightmare that comes with home ownership. This weeks blog centres around items that you can include during your build or renovation to save you from the nightmare and ensure longevity of your home in South East Queensland. Keep it looking and feeling like a home not a nightmare.